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Community Hospital And You

The motivation to contribute to a hospital comes from many places, among them gratitude for quality and compassionate care, celebrations of life, and the understanding that a community hospital is the right, the responsibility, and the reflection of that community.

Shri Balram Hospital has established a foundation to facilitate such inspired giving. Yet it is these generous contribution by the community that warranted the creation of a foundation in the first place.

This is caring community, inspired by a culture of generosity and of both giving back and taking care of its own. The hospital is both the manifestation and the steward of such gifts.

Shri Balram Hospital is a nonprofit organization. The foundation and the Hospital are governed by the same Board of Trustees, comprised of community members committed to the importance of philanthropy in fulfilling the mission of the hospital. The Foundation is the bedrock that enables the Hospital to build and is there to support the organization as it grows.