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India has been the land, which has given birth to a number of spiritual leaders who, by virtue of their prowess, have been able to spread the message of Dhyan across the country, and the world, a reason why foreigners have since long been attracted to India.

Shri Sitaram Das Ji Maharaj, has been one of the very few spiritual leaders who have been able to influence people across the world for his doctrine towards a healthy life. What he preaches are not merely teachings but his unconditional and selfless devotion towards the upliftment of the masses.

Some excerpts from Shri Sitaram Das Ji Maharaj’s teachings:
  1. The purpose of life is to realize the presence of God through Dhyan Kriya.
  2. What is standing between us and the supreme is impurities. The attraction towards materialistic world is Maya. What we are facing today is fate which can change for the better by our Karma. The very concept of I and Mine is our ego.
  3. A simple method to accomplish realization of God are:
  • Selfless service towards others…humans or animals
  • Mediation which purifies us from Maya and Ego
Dhyan Kriya awakens the chakras to the youthful rate. This is the desirable outcome because if this charka system is perfectly balanced it is said that the body will not age. It is spontaneous and joy giving process, contrary to the widespread misinformation that unfortunately exists.

The purpose of life is the realization of GOD through meditation or DHYAN KRIYA. The ashram provides beautiful surrounding for transcendental meditation. The Bade Maharaj ji who had started the ashram was an expert in meditation and wonder and has passed on his powers to the present Maharaj ji.

Physical Benefits :

Our body is a system. Coordination among our organs and cells is necessary for its smooth functioning. Any physical dysfunction appears in an organ due to defect on the system. Medicines are a method of cure in the sense that they subside the dysfunction but cant remove the root. Dhyan Kriya is an attack on the cause. This is the reason why Dhyan Kriya can even cure incurable diseases.
Mental Benefits:

The biggest benefit of Dhyan Kriya is the illumination of the inner self and purification of our mind from impurities that are responsible for many of our illnesses.

Emotional Benefits:

Dhyan Kriya brings our whole body into a more balanced state. The expression of purity and sincerity overrules all other feeling of fear, jealousy, greed, etc.


Family Benefits:

Dhyan Kriya, if taught to children at a tender age, ensures that children don't fall prey to traps of violence, drug abuse, and other pressures. Dhyan gives them the power to understand their self, their duties, responsibilities, thereby helping them become responsible individuals of tomorrow.